APPLICATIONS (Industry wise)
Food and beverage
Used in the hydrogenation of amines and fatty acids.
Used in the float glass process
Used in the heat treatment (oxyhydrogen flame) of hollow glass and optic fibres pre-forms.
Metal fabrication
Heat treatment of various metals.
Atmospheric reduction in microchip production.
Hydrogen is a carbon free energy source used in fuel cells.
Used as a carrier gas in gas chromatography and in various analytical instrument applications
most commonly as a fuel component of combustion gases for Flame Ionization (FID) and Flame
Photometric (FPD) detectors. Spark discharge analysers and total hydrocarbon measurements
also use hydrogen mixtures.
Hydrogen Gas Production and Supply Company
Hydrogen, among all gases, holds the distinction of being the lightest. It is a
colorless gas characterized by its high flammability, and it exists only in trace
amounts within the atmosphere. Hydrogen is synthesized through the conversion
of hydrocarbons (such as petroleum and its by-products) as well as from water,
where hydrogen represents the lighter component of the H2O molecule.
Diverse Industrial Uses of Hydrogen
As a leading hydrogen production company, we understand the vast array of
uses for hydrogen gas production. Hydrogen finds its most common applications
in the production of synthetic ammonia and methanol, petroleum refining, organic
substance hydrogenation, oxyhydrogen torches, and rocket fuel.
Within the food and beverage industry, hydrogen plays a crucial role in the
hydrogenation of amines and fatty acids. In the glass production process, it is
utilized in the float glass method, as well as in the heat treatment (using
oxyhydrogen flame) of hollow glass and optic fiber pre-forms. Additionally,
hydrogen is employed in the metal industry the heat treatment of various
In the realm of electronics, hydrogen finds application in the atmospheric
reduction of microchips. It is also utilized as a carbon-free energy source in fuel
cells by the automotive industry. Furthermore, laboratories make use of hydrogen
as a carrier gas in gas chromatography.